Solaris Centre at Blackpool South Shore

Bpl South Shore at the Solaris Centre

The Mirror Ball is at South Shore at the Solaris Centre. Opposite the building on the promenade, it’s a handy landmark.

There are plenty of things to do for free at this end of Blackpool too. Take a look around in this video –

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South Promenade at the Solaris Centre

The sculpture is the largest, certainly the most obvious, and probably most well known pieces of the public art trail on New South Promenade.

The Mirror Ball on the promenade opposite the Solaris Centre
The Mirror Ball on the promenade opposite the Solaris Centre

Take a look at South Shore

Why don’t you go and take a walk or a ride there and explore the wide, open promenade? The whole of South Shore is an interesting place to take a day out and explore!

It’s a lovely place to go and enjoy big, wide open skies and fabulous sunsets.

Promenade at the Mirror Ball at Blackpool South Shore, opposite the Solaris Centre
Promenade at the Mirror Ball at Blackpool South Shore, opposite the Solaris Centre

Watch the following clip of a lovely still morning on the seafront, it ends with a view of the Mirror Ball and the Solaris Centre behind it. You can even see the wind turbine whizzing around in the final shot.

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New and Old Promenades

The original sea defences at South Promenade around the Solaris Centre were opened in 1926. After rebuilding, the new sea wall was opened in 2001.

Cross the road from the solaris and on the sea wall you’ll see two plaques near the Mirror Ball.

Plaque to mark the opening of the original sea wall at South Shore: South Promenade/Squires Gate
Plaque to mark the opening of the original sea wall at South Shore
Plaque to dedicate the opening of the sea wall at Blackpool South Shore in 2001
Plaque to dedicate the opening of the sea wall at Blackpool South Shore in 2001

Do you remember the old promenade there? There were gardens and areas for sunbathing and promenading. Plus the children’s paddling pool. Have a look at these old photos from South Shore –

The paddling pool at Blackpool South Shore in 1936. Tuck Postcards
The paddling pool at Blackpool South Shore in 1936. Tuck Postcards
The promenade gardens at South Shore in 1948. Tuck Postcards
The promenade gardens at South Shore in 1948. Tuck Postcards
Gardens on the Promenade at South Shore in 1949. Tuck Postcards
Gardens on the Promenade at South Shore in 1949. Tuck Postcards
Blackpool South Promenade around the Solaris Centre, about 1986
Blackpool South Promenade around the Solaris Centre. A more recent photo from about 1986, from the Visit Fylde Coast family album!

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About the Solaris Centre at South Promenade Blackpool

The Solaris Centre is a public building run by Blackpool Council.

Solaris Centre at South Promenade Blackpool
Solaris Centre at South Promenade Blackpool

Inside are offices, meeting rooms and small businesses which use it commercially. This is the main entrance and reception.

Entrance to the Solaris Centre at Blackpool South Shore

There’s also a cafe here, which is open to the public. It’s an ideal stop-off place for coffee and tea, cake and biscuits. It’s also somewhere to shelter when you’re out for a walk and it starts to rain!

Solaris Centre cafe

Remember the Old Solaris Centre?

Holidaying at South Shore in the early 1980’s, the Solaris Centre was a favourite stop-off point of ours, here at Visit Fylde Coast.

Signage on the building

We often enjoyed a walk along the promenade and called in to the cafe for a drink. Back in those days it had a huge greenhouse roof, covered with enormous grapevines!

If you’ve got any photos of the old cafe please email them to and we’ll add them to this article. Full credit given, of course.

Big Improvements at Solaris Park

To the rear of the Solaris is a public open space, gardens and a small children’s playground which are open for public use.

Keep your eyes peeled because it’s also home to the abundant wildlife which lives in the bushes and undergrowth around the plot.

Solaris Centre gardens in winter
Solaris Centre gardens in winter

And at the right hand side of the Solaris Centre you’ll find a block of Danfo public toilets.

Reinvigorated Gardens

The gardens around the Solaris Centre were given a new lease of life, thanks to a major redevelopment project opened on 11 April 2017.

The £29,000 scheme turned two gardens into a unified family friendly and relaxing space with a seaside theme for everyone to enjoy. It’s been specifically designed for ease of access and to stimulate the senses for people with conditions such as dementia.

Wheelchair and pushchair access is possible all around the garden and there’s improved seating for people to relax in the sun. You’ll also find seaside features such as a multi-coloured windbreak and driftwood.

Wildlife beside the seaside

Plants have been chosen to attract bees and butterflies to give life and movement to the garden, as well as suiting to the coastal location. Staff from Blackpool Council’s Park’s team helped clear the area. Planting was done by the Groundwork Grow Blackpool team with the help of local volunteers.

This particular project was led by Groundwork CLM. They were instrumental in securing the majority of the funding which came from The Veolia Environmental Trust. They awarded £23,634 through the Landfill Communities Fund, with Blackpool Council providing support with an added contribution.

There are always opportunities for volunteers of all ages and abilities to get involved with activities. You can join in with growing new plants from seed, planting, pruning and watering.

Friends of Solaris Centre Park

Do you live nearby or just love to visit the Solaris Centre and its surrounding gardens? Why don’t you join the Friends Group?

The Friends of Solaris Park Community Volunteer Group has made a big difference!

Solaris Centre Park, with newly planted beds
Solaris Centre Park, with newly planted beds

With the help of a loyal band of helpers, the Friends have raised money to support the ongoing improvement and maintenance of the gardens. And at the same time they’ve had a lot of fun and made new friends too.

Making a place for all generations to enjoy is hard work. Why don’t YOU help?

Can you spare an hour to help out? There are lots of things that you could do. Why don’t you join them?

  • weed the flower beds
  • weed the Dementia Gardens
  • help to keep the park tidy and clear of rubbish
  • bring your ideas for fundraising

Green Dog Walkers in Solaris Park

The Friends of Solaris Park welcome dog walkers and ask that you bag and bin when your pet has fouled in the area.

If you’ve forgotten a poo bag please ask for one in the cafe. Walking your dog early in the morning or late in the evening? Please make sure you have plenty of bags with you.

Please also note that CCTV is in operation around the building.

Get in Touch

Contact the Friends of Solaris Park
c/o Caffe C, Solaris Centre, New South Promenade, Blackpool, FY4 1RW

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