During 2019 work was carried out in the town centre to complete the new Blackpool Bus Hub. It makes getting around the Fylde Coast even easier than before.
New Bus Lane Cameras
Blackpool Council has introduced bus lane enforcement cameras on part of Market Street, Church Street and Corporation Street. The move is intended to improve bus passenger journey times in the town centre.
They are to deter drivers who flout the law by driving in areas designated for buses and taxis. This video explains –
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The cameras enforce restrictions between the hours of 10.30am and 6pm.
There’s one at the corner of Market Street/West Street behind the Municipal Buildings and another at the corner of Market Street and Church Street. Between them the cameras will catch anyone entering the one way system.
The fine is £60. If payment is made within 14 days of the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) being served, the charge drops to £30. If payment is made after a service of charge certificate (after 28 days), the fine increases to £90. Any PCNs issued will include full details on what to do, how to pay and how to appeal.

As part of ‘Making Blackpool Better’ plans, Corporation Street now has more space for buses to stop and wait. It’s easier for passengers to connect with other services in the town centre. Recent work has included widening the road for safer access for buses and taxis, as well as improving the road and pavement surfaces.
Buses, Taxis and Authorised Vehicles only
Across many other towns in the UK, bus lane enforcement has been introduced to improve bus journey times and reliability of services for passengers. It also ensures that emergency vehicles and taxis can maintain access to key areas.
The cameras will operate from 10.30am to 6pm, seven days a week, enforcing restrictions during this timeframe. Only buses, taxis and authorised vehicles are permitted during those times. There’s plenty of clear signposting in place.
In the past, people have abused the bus lane by parking in taxi and bus bays. Hopefully the introduction enforcement cameras can provide a deterrent to any driver who is tempted to abuse the bus lane.
Blackpool Bus Hub
Market Street (below) and Corporation Street (above) form a loop in the heart of the town centre, where you can catch and change buses and get travel information.

We took a walk around the block for you, in February 2021. See how the bus hub works in this short video –
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Close to the promenade and the tram stop at Festival House, the new bus hub makes it easy for you to hop on and off buses and trams.
Blackpool Transport is the main transport provider here on the Fylde Coast. They operate buses and the trams.

[arve url=”https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d1177.704104770197!2d-3.0557076180229923!3d53.817813399051026!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x487b447a855eb06b%3A0x2d10f3fdc28766ce!2sCorporation%20St%2C%20Blackpool!5e0!3m2!1sen!2suk!4v1572419140021!5m2!1sen!2suk” title=”Google map of Corporation Street, part of the new Blackpool Bus Hub” description=”Google map of Corporation Street, part of the new Blackpool Bus Hub” /]
Don’t forget! You can also catch the old-style Heritage Trams from their special stop at North Pier too. Not just a tourist attraction, but they’re also a great way to get around! More about Blackpool Heritage Trams
Connect to Local Services
Use the bus hub to travel into and from the town centre and connect to other services across the Fylde Coast. Most routes use the new stops on Corporation Street. Any others that don’t do stop nearby at Abingdon Street and Dickson Road.
The Blackpool Transport Customer Centre is also on Market Street. Pop in there to find out what you want to know. Timetable, wayfinding and ticketing information is available there for residents and visitors.
It also brings the tramway, bus hub and railway station as close to each other as they can be, at the northern end of the town. It’s also close to the new tramway interchange, being built at Talbot Road.

Improvements at Blackpool Bus Hub
The work at Market Street was completed first, making it a more attractive space that’s easier to use. Then works began at Corporation Street to transform the old and dingy street scene…

By October 2019, works at Corporation Street were complete.
The road’s now widened, making it safer for buses and taxis. There’s an extra bus lane and new bus stops. The road and pavements have all been improved. Blackpool Council’s Local Transport Plan funded the work.

The Old Blackpool Bus Station
Do you remember using the old Blackpool Bus Station?

Formerly at Talbot Road it closed in 2002. Now redeveloped and cleaned up, the ground floor houses a gym and restaurant with the upper floors offering modern, safe parking space. It’s part of the redevelopment of the Talbot Gateway.

Rigby Road Bus Depot
The Blackpool Transport Bus Depot is based at Rigby Road, not far from the promenade near Central Pier. Built in the mid 1980’s its original purpose was servicing bin lorries!
Planning is underway for a much needed upgrade. The year-long scheme will consolidate three buildings into one. The vision is to have a fleet of zero emission buses by 2030.
While you’re here…
Have a look at the homepage of the Live Blackpool website for more of the latest updates.
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Dont use The Leverdale used Covid as excuse not to clean rooms during stay classed cleaning toilet shower as room service didn’t even provide cleaning materials to do ourselves so much for hygiene!!!
Primitive place to stay
bus hub just a glorified collection of bus shelters typical blackpool has a so called bus station for national express buses an area off the main car park with a hut called the booking office and toilets that cost 40p to use a few bus shelters and no refreshment facilities the town centre is now a haven for dole dossers and losers to live and is so run down avoid the place and visit anywhere else the bed and breakfasts are stuck in the sixtys advertising colour televisions in the rooms do yourselves a favour AVOID AT ALL COSTS
If Blackpool is bad I’m sure there are towns out there that are much worse then Blackpool, like Skegness Scunthorpe, Essex